Today, with no job guaranteed and iron rice bowl, employees are responsible for keeping themselves marketable. Employees must continue to develop their skills to ensure they possess the competencies that the market needs.
Employees who do not upgrade their skills and know-how in the light of economic, social and technological change will become the victims in company takeovers and company re-organisations.
Strategies for employees
Successful career development requires a SMART goal approach if it is to have purpose and give you a sense of direction and achievement
A career plateau refers to that point in an employee’s career at which the probability of an additional promotion is minimal
If your life is stagnant, you need to look at what you are putting in
To avoid career plateau, you should have the ability to adapt and develop in the face of change. If you do not change, you can become extinct
Develop special expertise to become a knowledge worker
Always ask for specific feedback from management
Increase your visibility and reputation in the organization
Seek training and skill upgrading
Build networks in other departments and divisions
Always remember “you don’t work for your boss, you work for yourself”